Why Kafka?- I

Why Kafka?-I

Multiple Producers

Kafka is able to seamlessly handle multiple producers, whether those clients are using

many topics or the same topic. This makes the system ideal for aggregating data from

many frontend systems and making it consistent. For example, a site that serves content

to users via a number of microservices can have a single topic for page views that

all services can write to using a common format. Consumer applications can then

receive a single stream of page views for all applications on the site without having to

coordinate consuming from multiple topics, one for each application.

Multiple Consumers

In addition to multiple producers, Kafka is designed for multiple consumers to read

any single stream of messages without interfering with each other. This is in contrast

to many queuing systems where once a message is consumed by one client, it is not

available to any other. Multiple Kafka consumers can choose to operate as part of a

group and share a stream, assuring that the entire group processes a given message

only once.

Disk-Based Retention

Not only can Kafka handle multiple consumers, but durable message retention means

that consumers do not always need to work in real time. Messages are committed to

disk, and will be stored with configurable retention rules. These options can be

selected on a per-topic basis, allowing for different streams of messages to have different

amounts of retention depending on the consumer needs. Durable retention

means that if a consumer falls behind, either due to slow processing or a burst in traffic,

there is no danger of losing data. It also means that maintenance can be performed

on consumers, taking applications offline for a short period of time, with no

concern about messages backing up on the producer or getting lost. Consumers can

be stopped, and the messages will be retained in Kafka. This allows them to restart

and pick up processing messages where they left off with no data loss.

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