Benefits of Containers: I

Application Portability
Build once, run anywhere, is one of the key features of containers. A container wraps up an application with everything it needs to run, like configuration files and dependencies. This enables you to easily and reliably run applications on different environments such as your local desktop, physical servers, virtual servers, testing, staging, production environments, and public or private clouds.
Fewer Resources Required
Unlike virtual machines, containers do not have their own complete operating system. While a VM often measures several gigabytes in size, a container usually measures only a few dozen megabytes, making it possible to run many more containers than VMs on a single server. That fact means that a single server can host far more containers than virtual machines, reducing hardware requirements and related data center costs.
Operational Efficiency
Contrary to traditional virtualization, where each VM has its own OS, containers execute application processes in isolation from the underlying host OS. This means that your host OS doesn’t need specific software to run applications, which makes it simpler to manage your host system and quickly apply updates and security patches.

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