What is MASA (Mesh app and service architecture)?

The MASA architecture codifies the best practices that have
emerged over the last few years through digital cloud-native
projects. MASA provides the platform to connect people,
processes, services, content, devices, and things. It is based
on a multidimensional model where an application is made
of an interconnected mesh of independent and autonomous
apps and services. It often incorporates functions from other
applications to create functionality that is shared with other
systems via APIs.
As digital services for the end-user are separated from systems
of record, new services can be added independently of the
backend system. The result is greater architectural flexibility.
Teams can also decide to develop services in a variety of
programming languages of choice, leveraging the strengths of
each along with the adopted framework.
Because businesses are highly competitive, to differentiate,
most need underlying technology to create fast-evolving
applications. This requires more frequent updates of new
features. A service architecture can address this need
by supporting continuous delivery and minimal service
interruption. Businesses must have an architecture that
supports fast prototyping of new services without long
development cycles. They need speed in releasing a quick
and dirty version of an application and analyzing data on how
the app performs on the market with real customers (or on
a selected subset of customers). Those insights can be used
to understand what needs to change and what works. Today,
being able to prototype, release, test, and refine is an added
value that only service architectures can deliver.

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