Kafka Use Cases-II

Metrics and logging
Kafka is also ideal for collecting application and system metrics and logs. This is a use case in which the ability to have multiple applications producing the same type of message shines. Applications publish metrics on a regular basis to a Kafka topic, and those metrics can be consumed by systems for monitoring and alerting. They can also be used in an offline system like Hadoop to perform longer-term analysis, such as growth projections. Log messages can be published in the same way, and can be routed to dedicated log search systems like Elastisearch or security analysis applications. Another added benefit of Kafka is that when the destination system needs to change (e.g., it’s time to update the log storage system), there is no need to alter the frontend applications or the means of aggregation.
Commit log
Since Kafka is based on the concept of a commit log, database changes can be published to Kafka and applications can easily monitor this stream to receive live updates as they happen. This changelog stream can also be used for replicating database updates to a remote system, or for consolidating changes from multiple applications into a single database view. Durable retention is useful here for providing a buffer for the changelog, meaning it can be replayed in the event of a failure of the consuming applications. Alternately, log-compacted topics can be used to provide longer retention by only retaining a single change per key.
Stream processing
Another area that provides numerous types of applications is stream processing. While almost all usage of Kafka can be thought of as stream processing, the term is typically used to refer to applications that provide similar functionality to map/reduce processing in Hadoop. Hadoop usually relies on aggregation of data over a long time frame, either hours or days. Stream processing operates on data in real time, as
quickly as messages are produced. Stream frameworks allow users to write small applications to operate on Kafka messages, performing tasks such as counting metrics, partitioning messages for efficient processing by other applications, or transforming messages using data from multiple sources.

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