Key Components of Kubernetes Cluster

API Server

The primary interaction point for all Kubernetes components and users. This is where we get, add,

delete, and mutate objects. The API server delegates state to a backend, which is most commonly etcd.


The on-host agent that communicates with the API server to report the status of a node and understand

what workloads should be scheduled on it. It communicates with the host’s container runtime, such as Docker, to ensure workloadsscheduled for the node are started and healthy.

Controller Manager

A set of controllers, bundled in a single binary, that handle reconciliation ofmany core objects in Kubernetes. When desired state is declared, e.g., three replicas in a Deployment, a controller within

handles the creation of new Pods to satisfy this state.


Determines where workloads should run based on what it thinks is the optimal node. It uses filtering and scoring to make this decision.

Kube Proxy Implements Kubernetes services providing virtual IPs that can route to backend Pods. This is accomplished using a packet filtering mechanism on a host such as

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