Kubernetes CI-CD Best Practices

Leverage Blue-Green Deployment Patterns

CI/CD pipelines often deploy code in production when it passes requirements for certain stages. In most situations, CI/CD methodologies are properly followed, and deployment is properly done in production, but there can be instances (security flaw, resource outage) that may lead to improper working of the production instance.

So it is always a best practice to implement a blue-green deployment pattern that initializes an additional parallel set of deployment instances to your existing production instances for easier switching in case of failures and downtimes.

Test and Scan Container Images

Testing and scanning a container image every time a new image is built is one of the most useful CI practices that organizations can adopt to detect vulnerabilities. Testing the container image ensures proper working of commands in the container and checks them for correct contents and specifications.

Running an image scan can help take care of vulnerabilities that can be introduced through new builds pushed to the container registry.

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