Mobile Development

Mobile Stack

  • Native Android (Language – Java)
  • Native iOS (Language – Swift)
  • Google Flutter framwork for both Android and iOS (Language – Dart)
  • Ionic framework for both Android and iOS (Language – JavScript)
  • Xamarin

Web and Backend Stack

  • Django web framework
  • IONIC web framework
  • WordPress
  • Hasura
  • Node JS (MEAN stack)
  • React JS (MERN stack)
  • Google Firebase
  • Core PHP

Architecture Patterns

  • MVC
  • Event Driven Architecture
  • Monolithic
  • MicroServices


  • MySQL
  • Postgres
  • MongoDB
  • CouchDB

Front End Technologies

  • Angular JS
  • React JS
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • PWA (Progressive Web Apps)

Deployment (CI / CD)

– Jenkins

  • –   Travis
  • Circle CI
  • Fastlane
  • Docker


  • Elastic ELK stack
  • Google Analytics and Crashlytics
  • Google Data Studio


  • Apple Sketch
  • Adobe XD / Marvel / Invision


. We use the following tools to create user interfaces and interactions.

  • Sketch (MacOS)
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe XD, Invision, Marvel (for mockups)
  • Zeplin