
Kubernetes CI-CD Best Practices

Posted on August 24, 2022August 24, 2022   Leave a comment on Kubernetes CI-CD Best Practices

Leverage Blue-Green Deployment Patterns CI/CD pipelines often deploy code in production when it passes requirements for certain stages. In most situations, CI/CD methodologies are properly followed, and deployment is properly done in production, but there can be instances (security flaw, resource outage) that may lead to improper working of the production instance. So it is always a best practice to implement a blue-green deployment pattern that initializes an additional parallel set of deployment instances to your existing production instances for … Continue reading “Kubernetes CI-CD Best Practices”

Kubernetes CI CD Best Practices

Posted on August 23, 2022August 23, 2022   Leave a comment on Kubernetes CI CD Best Practices

Keep Secrets Secure Secrets in Kubernetes are digital credentials that provide authentication and authorization for various CI/CD applications and services on the Kubernetes cluster. They can be exposed through a source control system like GitHub during a CI/CD pipeline deployment. So, it is always considered a best practice to keep secrets encrypted and outside of the container for maximum security and reliability. Implement Git-based Workflows (GitOps) Triggering CI/CD pipelines by Git-based operations have multiple benefits in terms of collaboration and … Continue reading “Kubernetes CI CD Best Practices”

Key Components of Kubernetes Cluster

Posted on August 11, 2022August 11, 2022   Leave a comment on Key Components of Kubernetes Cluster

API Server The primary interaction point for all Kubernetes components and users. This is where we get, add, delete, and mutate objects. The API server delegates state to a backend, which is most commonly etcd. kubelet The on-host agent that communicates with the API server to report the status of a node and understand what workloads should be scheduled on it. It communicates with the host’s container runtime, such as Docker, to ensure workloadsscheduled for the node are started and … Continue reading “Key Components of Kubernetes Cluster”

Future of Docker-II

Posted on August 10, 2022August 10, 2022   Leave a comment on Future of Docker-II

Docker Orchestration As Docker is called on to work with larger systems, and particularly in the cloud, the complexity of coordinating where containers are running and why increases exponentially. In response, many companies have developed Docker “orchestration” systems to manage this complexity. Because this is a new field with new systems, the rate of change among the offerings is at least monthly, but often even weekly and daily. The following are some of the current Docker orchestration systems: Kubernetes by … Continue reading “Future of Docker-II”