
AWS Computing Resources

Posted on June 20, 2022June 20, 2022   Leave a comment on AWS Computing Resources

For serverless, event-driven compute, there’s AWS Lambda. Itallows for running code with zero administration, which meanswithout provisioning or managing servers.For serverless containers, there’s AWS Fargate. It’s a launch typefor Amazon ECS, a high-performance container orchestrationservice that allows for running containers without having tomanage servers or clusters.

AWS Application Integration Resources

Posted on June 17, 2022June 17, 2022   Leave a comment on AWS Application Integration Resources

For API Management, AWS offers Amazon API Gateway. It makes it easy tocreate, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale.For a message queue service, there’s Amazon SQS. It makes it easy andcost-effective to decouple the components of a cloud app. It can be used totransmit any volume of data, without losing messages or requiring otherservices to be always available.For Publish/subscribe messaging, AWS offers Amazon SNS. It’s used fordecoupling microservices, distributed systems, and serverless apps.Publisher systems can fan out … Continue reading “AWS Application Integration Resources”


Posted on June 16, 2022June 16, 2022   Leave a comment on USING PLAYBOOKS FOR COMPLEX ORCHESTRATION

By combining different tasks into a playbook, complex automation can be achieved. As a detailedexample, consider a traditional three-tier web application and its environment consisting of:• Application servers• Database servers• Content servers• Load balancers• Plus, a monitoring system connected to an alert system such as a pager notification serviceIn this example, Ansible can easily be used to implement a complex, cluster-wide rolling updateprocess that consists of:• Consulting a configuration/settings repository for information about the involved servers• Configuring the base OS … Continue reading “USING PLAYBOOKS FOR COMPLEX ORCHESTRATION”


Posted on June 15, 2022June 15, 2022   Leave a comment on Automation

Automation modernizes the IT landscape. A next-genarchitecture must integrate with robotic process automation(RPA) solutions to automate legacy applications that do notprovide access via APIs or other integration endpoints.Companies often struggle with legacy because off-the-shelfsoftware never provided proper APIs. However, relying on RPAexclusively at the expense of an API-led integration will result inincreased technical debt, architectural fragility, and cost.RPA is designed to capture the value of automation at the edge ofhuman tasks, not at the core of your processes and architecture

Event Processing

Posted on June 13, 2022June 13, 2022   Leave a comment on Event Processing

With more real-time generated events, event-driven capabilitiescan determine those that are significant to the immediatecontext. At the core of any event-driven architecture is amessaging broker. There are both cloud-native and on-premisesbrokers; what’s important is that they can be integrated withthe iPaaS solution.To scale with load, messaging brokers must support moderncloud-native, event-driven, and microservices development.For example:• TIBCO Enterprise Messaging Service: JMS-based solutionthat offers load-balancing, routing, and fault-tolerantcapabilities.• MQTT-based brokers: A lightweight publish-subscribenetwork protocol used to transport messages betweendevices, often IoT.• Apache … Continue reading “Event Processing”

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Posted on June 10, 2022June 10, 2022   Leave a comment on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Finally, AI and ML can be applied to traffic pattern identification.API analytics is also a growing trend for determining:• The reasons behind a sudden increase or decrease in traffic• Which APIs have greater traffic and better adoption• Why adoption is increasingAPI managers will want to understand why certain APIs havesudden increased latency. All those questions can be answeredby applying analytics and correlating different factors. AI canalso enhance cybersecurity by providing complete visibility intoAPI traffic for detecting and blocking threats.

API Management Platform

Posted on June 9, 2022June 9, 2022   Leave a comment on API Management Platform

Additionally, an API management platform manages the entireAPI lifecycle—from concept to production to retirement. AnAPI management cloud-native solution will allow deploymenton a variety of computing platforms. It should provide anedge-caching mechanism to avoid load increases on backendsystems and support a wide range of security policy options.A must-have is a customizable developer or partner portal foronboarding and self-service key registration along with richAPI documentation features. Since dev-ops practices are soimportant, the platform must seamlessly support deploymentand development tooling.Both iPasS and API … Continue reading “API Management Platform”

iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service)

Posted on June 8, 2022June 8, 2022   Leave a comment on iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service)

A cloud-native integration platform can integrate a vast amountof systems, accelerate API-led development, and support eventdrivenparadigms. An iPaaS should have pre-built connectorsfor both cloud and on-premises digital products to supportincremental transitioning.Legacy systems must still be supported no matter where theyrun. The integration platform also needs to be tailored for manydifferent user types across the enterprise, including integrationspecialists, developers, and non-technical integrators to promotecollaboration across departments. It should support creation ofintegration flows for developers who can upload artifacts to thecloud and … Continue reading “iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service)”

Open Platform

Posted on June 7, 2022June 7, 2022   Leave a comment on Open Platform

The most important principle is interoperability. An open platformallows organizations to immediately and more easily adopt thelatest ideas, approaches, and high-quality solutions withoutrelying solely on the skill and knowledge of internal staff. Toooften, when internal developers are assigned to build core systemframeworks, libraries, and modules, it requires considerable timeand effort, and when these components need to be updated withnew capabilities or scale up, they hit their limits.Adopting an open platform makes it possible to avoid vendorlock-in and allows organizations to … Continue reading “Open Platform”

Event Processing

Posted on June 6, 2022June 6, 2022   Leave a comment on Event Processing

Businesses want real-time situational awareness so they canrespond in the moment to opportunities and threats beforeit’s too late. This requires the ability to recognize and respondto events, which are business moments in the physical ordigital realm.Events are important because real-world interactions are event-driven, and the value of an event is strictly time-limited.The longer you wait to act, the less impact you can have.This is not to say that older events have no value; eventsprovide context for interpreting what is happening … Continue reading “Event Processing”