
API Platforms

Posted on June 6, 2022June 6, 2022   Leave a comment on API Platforms

APIs are the connective tissue in today’s ecosystems that allowservices to exchange information. They are at the core of aservice architecture and act as a mediation layer to ensure that all connections between apps and services are abstracted andflexible. In modern architecture, the API-based mediation layermaps “outer APIs,” designed to be published and consumedexternally to “inner APIs” attached to internal services andperforming specific tasks.However, the increasing number of APIs needs to be managedand governed by a platform capable of grouping … Continue reading “API Platforms”

What is MASA (Mesh app and service architecture)?

Posted on June 2, 2022June 2, 2022   Leave a comment on What is MASA (Mesh app and service architecture)?

The MASA architecture codifies the best practices that haveemerged over the last few years through digital cloud-nativeprojects. MASA provides the platform to connect people,processes, services, content, devices, and things. It is basedon a multidimensional model where an application is madeof an interconnected mesh of independent and autonomousapps and services. It often incorporates functions from otherapplications to create functionality that is shared with othersystems via APIs.As digital services for the end-user are separated from systemsof record, new services can be added … Continue reading “What is MASA (Mesh app and service architecture)?”

IoT Trend

Posted on May 31, 2022May 31, 2022   Leave a comment on IoT Trend

5G cellular technology is also now anticipatedsooner than expected. Enhanced data rates, highercapacity and lower latency are the features aptlysuited for edge devices. Advancements in makingmore efficient hardware, growing 5G connectivityand tools such as AWS Greengrass can empoweredge devices to manage themselves and offloadcomputing power and decision making off thecloud. Upcoming cloud technologies such asserverless will make edge devices moreubiquitous since many cloud providers now takeaway from the underlying infrastructure managementand let developers only worry about app logic.

Kubernetes Features

Posted on May 27, 2022May 27, 2022   Leave a comment on Kubernetes Features

Automatic binpacking: This is where Kubernetes helps in automatically placing containers based on their spec (resource requirements, limits, and other constraints), without compromising on availability.• Service discovery and load balancing: In simple words, service discovery is the process of figuring out how to connect to a service.• Self-healing: Restarts the containers that fail, replaces, and reschedules containers when nodes die.• Automated rollouts and rollbacks: With this feature, Kubernetes does progressively roll out changes, and it ensures it doesn’t kill all … Continue reading “Kubernetes Features”